Thursday, August 17, 2006

Our story so far

Ok kids,

Well I thought I would give everyone a quick update. I moved out here from Ottawa in June of this year. I took a 4500km (give or take) drive out. The drive gave me a sense of the county and if you get the chance the trip is worth it just for the experience.

I have been reporting on a wide array of issues. Westlock is caught up in the Alberta economy and while the town is not awash in oil like some Alberta towns, it is growing and new development in town has been a story that I continue to report on. I also report on courts and crime, farming, (which I know nothing about) local politics, sports and anything else that crosses my plate. As Edmonton grows it is also becoming a more viable option for commuters.

I am hoping the Westlock News is going to be a stop along my career not the end of the line. I work super long hours and would like more time to work on some stories, but quite often the time isn't there.

Our paper is about 20 pages each week and that means I write 10-12 stories, plus photos a week. We only have two reporters so we work on a ten day on four day off schedule. It works out to be the same as a regular job, but ten days on can be a lot. Mild whinnying aside, my worst day here is better than my best day at the cushy government because I enjoy what I do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy man. Nice work on the blog. I'm gonna be putting together one as soon as I get all settled in Korea.
Hey everybody else.

4:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel bad for those of us still stuck in the cushy government job.

8:13 AM


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